Amazing Amaranths in Wedding Decor

Two words describe the hanging Amaranthus perfectly, ‘Cascading' and ‘Wild.' If you've ever seen an Amaranthus, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. These gorgeous beauties are finally getting the attention they deserve. These days one can find hanging Amaranthus everywhere in wedding decors. And rightly so. The flower is a mix of wilderness and elegance bought to you in a neat and pretty bouquet. It could easily be described as the queen of hanging flowers. However, Amaranthus come in two types. The upright Amaranthus that grows upwards sturdily and the hanging one, which obviously means that the flowers cascade downwards. The hanging Amaranthus come in two colors mainly green and red. The red is a deep earthy tone which actually ends up looking stunning against the white of a wedding dress. The red Amaranthus can be used with soft pastel flowers for a perfect garden themed wedding. Whereas the green ones are best suited as background flora for b...